Nother Realm
Nother Realm is a narrative-driven, tabletop roleplaying game podcast released in August of 2022. Tanner Massey created the setting and story and ran the game for the first campaign, The Neverthere. The story follows the adventures of Archibald Theodore Cromwell, Six, Margbark Smothe, and Osiris Teasun as they try to deal with the ghosts of their pasts and the mysterious disappearances plaguing the kingdom of Attoria.
You can find episodes and information on characters and setting on Episodes are also available on your favorite podcast player.
The year is 1190 in the Age of Resonance. Our story begins in the western sub-continent of Lyr, which is currently ruled by the kingdom of Attoria in the north and the Exharkan Protectorate in the south. While these two powers have been enemies for centuries, starting on the continent of Cal’Atas, they are now in the first year of an uneasy truce. Both armies, however, still keep close watch over their shared border.
The people of Attoria come from all races and walks of life, and all are allowed to prosper under the rule of Queen Essylt “Hearthguard” Attore. However, many still remain wary of the Exharkan Protectorate to the south, as there are whispers of an end to the truce with the rulers of the golden lands.
Across the kingdom, low hills and temperate forests allow for easy living, but there still remain many unexplored and dangerous regions within Attoria’s borders.
The Kingdoms of the Western Subcontinent
Under the rule of Queen Essylt “Hearthguard” Attore, the borders of Attoria surround most of the land north of the River Sanguine.
Capital: Vellia
People: Mostly humans, dwarves, and halflings
Social System: Feudal
Primary Deity: Yessett
Primary Exports: Wine, Woundstone, Crownwood
Exharkan Protectorate
The empire of Exhark claims much of the land to the south of the River Sanguine, excluding the orc-controlled Durzgog Grasslands.
Main City: Goldmarsh
People: Human and elves
Social System: Feudal
Primary Deity: Yessett
Primary Export: Gold, Springfire
The Kingdoms of the Eastern Sub-Continent
Nezbal claims the mineral-rich Zolnya Mountains and the rocky land surrounding them.
Capital: Kor’Varad
People: Dwarves
Social System: Caste
Primary Deity: Hrodrik
Primary Export: Various Metals and Alloys
Iim’Evess covers the most territory on Lyr. Within its borders, the elves of Iim’Evess patrol the desert of Esa’Eluré and the Forest of Peram.
Capital: None. The seat of power moves within the desert of Esa’Eluré.
People: Elves
Social System: Kinship
Primary Deity: The One and The Many
Primary Export: Fulgurite, Linen, Silk
The cold-hardened warriors of Iomýra have been on the continent for about 20 years. They find warmth in the ale halls across Ölmýr.
Capital: Austgátt
People: Goliath
Social System: Clan
Primary Deity: Gundis
Primary Export: Ale, Leather
The Vveir
Few have been brave enough to explore the Vveir. Fewer still have returned. The best course of action is to avoid the far eastern section of the continent, but for those of you who decide to venture into the unknown: go prepared, trust no one, and listen out for thunder.
No Lyrian would consider themselves atheist, as everyone knows godly forces exist. People of the Common Practice don’t often directly worship the gods, instead, they typically choose to worship one particular Ascendant. People of the Evessan Practice believe in one entity that presents itself as many parts.
The Common Practice
The most common religious practice of Yessett revolves around the Two, Yessett and Raemid, true gods who have always been. However, most who follow the common practice choose to revere a particular Ascendant, exceptional mortals who ascended beyond their temporal forms to govern that which they most embodied in life.
The Two
The Two rule over the tides of order and chaos, the balance between them ebbing and flowing in an eternal struggle for reality. After they created existence, these entities manifested themselves physically as the binary planets Yessett and Raemid circling the sun, Illumé.
Most people worship Yesset, the god of order who became the very world they live on. However, there are those who see the Raemid, the other planet in the binary relationship, as the ultimate power.
The Ascendant
The Ascendant were once mortal. While most were intensely devoted to one of the Two, some ascended to godhood by the sheer conviction of their own principles.
The common people of Attoria often find the aspects of the Ascendant to be more approachable for worship than the Two. Orders worshiping the Ascendant have become more popular in recent decades.
The Antithians
The Antithians are gods created out of necessity. The world did not know what it meant to die and leave this plane of existence, so the forces of chaos and order birthed two beings to ensure balance. As chaos had order, life now had death. But death alone would litter the world with everlasting husks—eternal reminders of loss. Thus, decay was unleashed upon the world, and with it, disease and rot. For this, death and decay would be considered the antithesis of everything Yesset and Raemid gave.
Most Lyrians disregard The Antithians. Many hate them. Very few worship them.
The Forgotten
Many forgotten and unworshipped entities still linger in the shadows. While their power has diminished, adventurers should still be wary when in their presence.
The Evessan Practice
The elves of Iim’Evess are monotheistic. They believe the One acts through multiple avatars, the Many. When intervention is required, the One manifests the necessary avatar to send to their people.
Experienced Avatars of The One
Peram, Avatar of Beauty
Anlinar, Avatar of Courage
Roziam, Avatar of Compassion
Faliir, Avatar of Wrath
Ianuul, Avatar of Deceit
The Peoples of Lyr
Most races work harmoniously on Lyr, especially in Attoria. Together, they built most of the cities, towns, and villages of the western sub-continent. In a fight, these races will back their friends before their own people. However, there are always exceptions.
The Average but Opportunistic
Humans. They do good, they do evil, and they do everything in between. Most importantly, they make up the majority of the people on the western sub-continent. Luckily, the humans of Attoria tend to work well with others.
The “Elders”
Gnomes form close-knit communities throughout the towns and cities of Attoria. Many of them crossed the Ocean of Illira to escape the effects of the sundering of the old kingdom. Gnomes take delight in life, enjoying every moment of invention, exploration, investigation, creation, and play. For some curious reason, some gnomes call themselves the Elders, regardless of their age.
The Travelers
Halflings came to Lyr on their own. They typically don’t oppose the governing bodies, but they feel they should be able to live their lives according to their own rules and whims. As such, many halflings experience wanderlust and only tend to set root when they find a place that is too comfortable to leave.
The Ancient and Unknown
Elves tend to stay in their own lands, so not much is known of their culture outside of Iim’Evess. Some leave their homeland from time to time, but they usually don’t say much about where they come from. No one really knows whether the Elves have been here from the beginning or if they found and settled Lyr like everyone else.
The Cold Welcome
Hailing from the frigid lands of Iomýra, the Iomýri have recently settled in the northern territory of Ölmýr. These goliath warriors revel in physical challenges. Their favorites include clan battles, gladiatorial competitions at Evermore Threshold, and drunken wrestling in their beloved ale halls. The Iomýri offer a warm welcome to all who are willing to take a punch… or ten.
The Demons and Monsters
Many other intelligent races have traits that some would call demonic or monstrous, but not all of them are raiders, murderers, and thieves. Tieflings, half-orcs, and a few other races on Lyr try to politely join society. Few succeed.
The Common Calendar
Planet: Yesset
Sun: Illumé
Year: 1190 AR (Age of Resonance)
15 months/year, 5 days/week, 390 days/year.
Months are broken down by celestial occurrences. The number 26 is based on the movement of the Tristars.
Spring: Alms 14 -Lyré 6, 97 days
Summer: Lyré 7 -Ahvaan 20, 96 days
Autumn: Ahvaan 21 -Viridis 15, 100 days
Winter: Viridis 16 -Alms 13, 97 days
Olmé (26 days) - The first of the Tri-stars, Olm, is visible alone for 26 days.
Oyené (26 days) - The second of the Tri-stars, Oyen, is visible with Olm for 26 days.
Oruxé (26 days) - The third of the Tri-stars, Orux, is visible with Olm and Oyen for 26 days.
Lyré (26 days) - Olm leaves the night sky on Oruxé 26th, Oyen leaves on Lyré 26th.
Irythas (26 days) - Iryth, the great tree on the satellite Ehlora, blooms.
Imun (30 days) - The heavens are calm. Named for Imiamun, the Elf Daughter.
Ahvaan (26 days) - The satellite, Alm, is farthest in its orbit for 26 days.
Igné (32 days) - Sisere brightens for 32 days
Siseré (23 days) - Sisere is the brightest star in the sky for 23 days
Taeshen (24 days) - The Great Black darkens half the stars in the sky for 24 days
Viridis (26 days) - Month of the aurora
Deahvi (26 days) - The constellation, The Chorus of Deahv, is visible.
Unuré (21 days) - The Snow Star, Unur, flickers for 21 days
Shtett (26 days) - The comet, Beshtett, crosses the sky mid-month. 26 days
Alms (26 days) - The satellite, Alm, is closest in its orbit.
Days of the Week
Hrodsday, Nivsday, Peramsday, Lirsday, Gundsday